Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today Is a New Day

Today is a new day.  Today well really at about 2 am I decided I need to get somethings out.  It really seems to help me if I write or am actually telling a person about it so I thought this would be the perfect way to do that.

I decided that my title could not be more perfect.  On March 22, 2009 I was attacked and stabbed in my chest by my ex boyfriend.  He had broken into my home while I was gone and hid in my daughters closet.  He then came at my date and I eventually stabbing me in the chest and to save my own life I grabbed the blade of the rather large hunting knife.  As you can imagine that caused a great deal of physical and emotional damage. I am still on the long road to recovery. That is why I have titled it The Broken Girl Healing.

A lot of my posts will be just my own writings, poems and such.  I am using this as a journal of sorts as well as maybe a useful tool for someone else in a domestic violence situation.  I hope that this not only helps me but if nothing else entertains some people with my sometimes pointless ramblings of my crazy self.


  1. Ok it looks rediculous but that atrocity above is supposed to ba smiley face. Lol.
