Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Attack Part 2

The next day I went shopping and got my haircut. I went on with my life as normal only a little happier because I didn't have him to bring me down. When my friend and I came home from shopping we started getting ready to go out for the night. He kept making comments about what I was wearing and how he didn't want me to wear it because he thought it was too revealing. As I am getting ready to walk out the door he told me I was not leaving the house wearing that shirt. I said, "yes I am and there is nothing you can do about it." He said, "I am going to take it off of you." "If you put one finger on me I will have you arrested," I replied. His response, "I make sure you cant call anyone now or ever again." That is when my friend spoke up, "I will kill you if you lay one hand on her." That is when he decided to back off and moved away from the door. He did follow us out side continuing to yell at me calling me a whore and a bar slut among other things. I just ignored him and left.

Saturday I slept in. That was when he went through my phone, changed his ring tone, and read all of my text messages. When I got up he was angry with me about my conversations I had had the night before with my friends in my text messages. I was upset the night before and confused and mad because I still cared about him. That afternoon after we fought I go get dressed and left. I came back home later that evening to get my stuff to go to Megan and John's to get ready to go out. That's when he told me he needed the car to take movies back in Ames. The car was almost out of gas. I put $5 in gas. He told me he would be back in an hour and he would call me to let me know that the car was back. Several hours later I hadn't heard from him so I called and his phone was off. I walked home to find that he had packed up a bunch of stuff and took off with the car and left a note. The note said that I could only have the car back if I sent him the $750 that he had paid for it. I was furious. I went back to the bar on the way I tried to call him repeatedly with no answer. I finally talked to him the next night. That is when I found out he had taken off and went to North Dakota. For the next several weeks he kept calling me and texting me trying to convince me to move to North Dakota to be with him. He just didn't want to grasp the concept of the fact that I did not want to be with him, I cannot move out of the state with my kids, and I did not want to move I liked my life just the way it was.

After several days of ignoring him the calls and texts quit. On March 17, Lacie called me and asked me if I wanted to ride with her to go get Nathan from Omaha. Instead of telling her what was really on my mind I told her I was in Ames with my sister, which I was. I really wanted ask her if she was out of her god forsaken mind. I just finally got him to quit pestering me and she wanted me to spend however many hours in a car with him. Hell no not a chance!!!

Knowing that he was back in town I was extra cautious. I kept my doors locked and blinds shut at all times. When I did leave I would leave my TV or something on to make it sound like I was home. I just had a feeling that he would be around. As it turns out, I was right. I now know that he was constantly following me watching everything that I do. He would come into my house when I was not home and go through my things. Apparently, he had a key that I didn't know about.

On March 22, my sister, Amber, came up from Des Moines to go out with me. John, Megan, Amber, and I went to Wilson's. At some point that day Amber invited Tony, her former roommate, that I had met about 6 months prior, to come up and go out with us. He was in Kansas City when we started texting him. He drove up here and that was the first time I had met him in person. Before that night we had only talked in text messages. Amber had been trying to set Tony and I up for most of those 6 months prior. When I met Tony I was instantly attracted to him. there was just something about him that told me that I absolutely must get to know this man. There was definitely a physical attraction there, but it was something much more than that. I don't believe in love at first sight but there was something close to it that night. We were sitting around the table, Amber text me, while I was rather shamelessly flirting with Tony, asking me to back off because she was interested in him. So, as her sister, I did just that. I was outside smoking when he went to his car. He noticed me out there so we started talking. He asked me why I all of a sudden acted like I was no longer interested in him. I explained it to him. He understood and things were going fine. We were just walking around and talking, when Amber called. She was freaking out on us because she just knew we were doing something besides walking around and talking. That is also when I found out she had been talking to Nathan the entire time we had been split up. She had been telling him everything I had been doing. I was beyond furious. When I got off the phone with her I turned and looked at Tony and said, "Fuck her! If she doesn't give a shit about my feelings I don't care about hers." From that point on, Tony and I were on our first date. We walked around and talked a little bit more. Then we went back to my house. We were sitting there just talking when Amber called again. The original plan was for her and her daughter to stay at my house that night. She had tried to guilt trip me by saying I was putting Brooke's life in danger by forcing her to drive home to Des Moines after she had been drinking. I had told her previously that they could still stay there. When she called that second time she had decided she was going to stay at my house. Tony left when she showed up. He went out the front door and walked around the block to avoid her. while he was walking he noticed someone was following him so he text me about it. I found a reason to leave. When I went outside he was across the street. He described the person that was following him, and I realized that my instincts had been right. Nathan was hanging around my apartment.

We walked up the street to John and Megan's house which is down town above one of the business. John and Megan were fighting heat night so I went over to cheer her up and talk to her. We ended up watching a movie. Nathan kept texting me while we were trying to watch the movie. I thought it was weird that every time Tony would cuddle up with me or kiss me or anything like that Nathan would text me. I later found out Nathan had broke into one of the businesses across the street and was sitting upstairs watching us all night long. Tony and I fell asleep around 6 a.m. Nathan then went into my house. Amber woke up and kinda freaked out he told her he was going to leave he just had to check something. For the longest time I could not figure out what he was checking. Finally, I realized that he was checking the box of condoms I had on my night stand. Yes, there were some missing but that didn't mean anything. I did not have sex with Tony that night.There was something about Tony that was different. I wanted to wait. I wanted to actually get to know him and build a real relationship first.

The next day, Nathan kept texting me and wanting me to call him. I kept blowing him off. Tony and I sat and talked all morning that morning. That morning Neil called me and asked if the custody agreement that we made the previous week was still  good since Nathan and I were back together. I told him that we weren't back together. He told me that he assumed that  because he saw him outside my house that morning when he went to Wal-Mart. All day long I kept having people call me and tell me that Nathan was either hanging around my house or walking around downtown near John and Megan's house. I just kind of blew it off as nothing.

Around  5:30 that night, John and Megan went to her parents house for a little bit. Shortly after they left John called me to tell me he saw Nathan headed towards my house.  While I was talking to John, Nathan text me and wanted to know what I was doing now. That's when I told him I was going home to change my clothes, since I was still in the same clothes as the night before.  Nathan kept trying to talk me out of going home. I went home anyway. I had left my house key under the welcome mat for John the night before since him and Megan were fighting in case  he needed a place to stay. When I got there I couldn't find my house key so I went outside and called John since he had my spare key. I went and double checked before I had him bring it over and that is when I found it and went inside.......

1 comment:

  1. Good job Amy! Let me know when part 3 is up.
