Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dark Poetry

Pain....Gone Forever!

All alone
Sitting in a house
A house full
I hurt
Physically emotionally
No care no concern
My love seems worthless
My heart braking
Why am I so alone
Is all the pain worth it
My consideration unrequited
Why do I continue on
I'm not worth his time
He can do no wrong
I do all I can
Its still not enough
I must like the hurt
No that's not it
I want this pain gone
I can't cut it away
Someone will notice this time
But it feels so good
Such a release of the pain
Maybe it goes deep
Too deep this time
And it all goes away
Me gone forever No more pain no more hurt
For me
They can hurt
It will be their turn
Their turn to cry
To feel lonely
It will be their turn
To try to deal
Maybe then....
Then they will understand
Know the pain I feel
Maybe they will realize
Realize the pain they caused
My anguish my heartache
My unrequited compassion
My consideration my love
When they loose it all
Maybe just maybe
He will realize what
He had and know
Maybe he will appreciate
Cherish me but it will be to late
As I am already gone!
FOREVER I am no more!


Somewhere out there
Or rather in here
There is the girl
She is so happy
Happy in her world
The world where everyone smiles
A world of happiness and joy
O how I envy her
Her smiling face
He cheerful laugh
O how I wish to be her
Loving life
No fears
Not a care in the world
She has strength and optimism
I was that girl once
I pretend to be that girl
Some people believe
They say wow shes amazing
How does she do it
To keep on living her life
She talks like it didn't happen to her
But it did happen
It happened to me
No he didn't kill me
I still live and breathe
In the physical I'm alive
My heart beats
My lungs breathe
But I'm empty inside
He did kill though
He killed my spirit
My soul is gone
I hate my life
I hate myself
More with each passing day
How do they love this?
This hallow shell
Is it the act they love?
The person I pretend to be
It must be
No one could or would
Love the real me
I am a dark
Hallow empty shell
I am a pit of
No ones loves death
Darkness self pity
Self hatred
That is me
And nobody love the real me

Just Like Me

You're beautiful
I hear that a lot
Do I believe my ears
No most definitely not
That's not what I see
The person in the mirror
She is not beautiful
She is fat
She is ugly
Ugly inside and out
She is scared and broken
Deformed and discarded
Used and abused
Unworthy and useless
She is hated and pitied
Forgotten and passed over
Who was that girl
Whats her name
O never mind it doesn't matter
It never did
It never will
Why do I try?
Nobody cares
Some people say they do
They even pretend
But if they really saw me
The ugly fat disgusting me
They would run
They would hate me just like I do.

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