Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Back again...

Here I am back again....This time I am not in such great spirits. Feeling rather down actually. I have been rather stressed, no scratch that...too passive. I am stressed the fuck out!!! I hate feeling like this. I feel like everything is going to come crashing down at any minute. I am easily irritated and frustrated. My anxiety is through the damn roof. I am trying to keep a positive outlook on life but it is so hard when I feel like everywhere I turn I run into a brick wall with a sign that says nice try but you fail asshole. That's really what I feel like I am doing, just failing. I have come to the conclusion that I just suck at life. I feel like a failure as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, sister, lover, human being.

I am going back into counseling. I have had my evaluation. I got told yet again that I have PTSD....oh big surprise there. The Psychiatrist added Seroquel XR to my list of prescriptions. I took it for the first time tonight. From what I understand I will either really love it or really hate it. I took it over an hour ago and I am still feeling the same panic/anxiety attack I have been feeling all afternoon. I really hope this helps. I am sick of being an angry, irritable, scared bitch all the time. I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of me being this way. Everything irritates me and I get bored with things so quickly.  The things I used to love are now more just meh ok. I dont like that. I hope this counselor can help.

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