Friday, March 18, 2011

A bad day.

Today has been what they would call a "bad day" so I have been writting and this is what I have come up with so far....
                                                                 Sasha's Story

It’s been almost two years, she thought to herself as she sat in her bed.  Why won’t this feeling just go away? Sasha sat there thinking back. She knew that these feelings were never going to go away. She knows that she won. She is still alive, and he is in prison. Not for long enough though.  The mere idea of him being released from prison rocks her to her core. The fear of seeing him again face to face makes her tremble knowing that it will happen again. He will come for her. He will not stop until one of them is dead. She knows what she will have to do when that time comes. Sasha questions herself frequently, “Am I really strong enough to do what needs to be done? Is my life and the lives of my family a strong enough drive? Have I really won living in this emotional rollercoaster that is my life?”

She had another dream last night. This one was not the normal dream she has had in the recent past. This one left her wondering who won. When it came to him it was all about who wins and who losses more so since the attack than it ever was in their relationship. The normal dreams as of late were ones where she clearly won. She lived and he died. This one has her truly rattled. She plays it over and over in her head. Her dreams about him are always vivid and she remembers every detail from beginning to end. As she is trying to understand it she lies down in her darkened room in her warm bed and pulls the big thick comforter up to her chin and lets it all go….

Sasha wakes up realizing that her shirt is pulled up and she feels this incredible pain in her stomach. As she tries to sit up to see what is wrong the pain is too much and she can’t. She then turns and looks at Brad and sees that he is bleeding. She screams and it wakes him up. Then she sees it….the knife, the one that the police never found the one that George used in the attack. She screams again. Brad looks over and sees the blood. They are both covered and the bed is soaked in it. Neither one of them can get up because of the pain. She is sobbing uncontrollably, because she knows he was there. Is he still there? How did he find them? Where was he now? Is he coming back? All of these questions swarming in her head. Brad calls out for help. No one hears him.

Sasha musters the strength to roll off the bed and get her phone and calls the police. They come and take Brad and Sasha to the hospital. Once the blood is cleaned up they realize George was there to leave a message and he did it in their flesh. Across Sasha’s stomach was carved “Georgie’s” and across Brad’s chest and stomach was carved “She’s mine til death.” She was terrified. Her thoughts and fears were confirmed. He was there, but how. Once this discovery was made, they locked down the hospital. No one was allowed in or out without identification.

The police were baffled. George was supposed to be in prison for 17 years at least. They called the prison where George was to be. They did a physical check to see if he was there. George had escaped! Sometime during the night he had made his way through the ventilation and sewer and escaped the prison. He then made a 67 mile trek to the town Sasha lived in. After recovering the knife that he had hidden almost two years prior he found her house and crept inside. He wasn’t going to just kill her. No, that would be too easy. He wouldn’t be able to see the fear in her eyes, and she wasn’t alone.

When he entered the room he could smell the alcohol on them. He knew Sasha and true to form she had been out celebrating the holiday the night before. They were both passed out. He knew she would not be alone. He had heard that she was engaged and living with Brad. As he crept to the bedside he had the two chloroform soaked rags prepared. He began with Brad. He gently covered Brad’s nose and mouth with the rag to ensure that he would not wake up.  When he was certain it had taken effect George calmly and deliberately carved the message into Brad’s chest to stake his claim. He was careful to carve just deep enough to scar but not deep enough to kill him. After all, Brad was not the one he blamed. George blamed Sasha. She was a harlot that was just after the next best thing. None the less she was George’s and she had told him that she would be forever. George told her that she would not get out of their relationship unless it was in a body bag and he meant it.

He moved around the bed slowly as to not alert anyone. He then covered Sasha’s face with the second rag, and began his work. With a big smile he staked his claim. She had always called him Georgie as a term of endearment. So he only found it fitting that his message to her be simply that. A reminder of what she promised and to whom she promised. He wished that he could be there when they woke to see the look of horror on their faces and to simply see the reaction. He knew that would be too dangerous for him. If he stuck around he would almost surely be caught before he could fulfill his promise to her. Before he left he bent down and lovingly kissed her on the forehead and said, “I love you, Sasha. Someday you will understand just how much.”

The police continued to look for him. Sasha, once recovered, started her own search. She left with her gun in her belt. She knew the time had come it was her or him, and she was going to be God damned if he was going to win the final showdown.  She hoped beyond hope that she found him first and that he gave her the reason she needed to end it once and for all.

She started with all of George’s old friends and acquaintances. Some were sincere and understood her plight. Others wanted no part in any of it. They had written her and George off quite some time ago. Sasha found that she did have a few true alliances one being George’s former best friend, Frank.
Frank was someone whom Sasha had originally thought was an enemy. After the attack, Sasha and Frank’s wife fought about what Sasha felt was Frank’s involvement in the attack. Eventually, Frank and Sasha talked and worked things out. She found out that Frank really had no involvement and was just an innocent bystander in the whole episode.

George had been writing to Frank from prison but he refused to respond to George. There was enough information in the letters that Sasha could deduce where he might be. Before she left Frank and Betty’s house Frank stopped her. He took her by the hands and looked her square in the eyes and said, “Do what you need to do. Don’t stop until it’s done and if you need anything at all just call. Day or night I don’t care when, we will be there.” She thanked them both and bid them a teary eyed good bye.

She then went to Rebecca’s house. She was the friend that had introduced Sasha and George. Rebecca and George had been friends since she was a child. Sasha sat down and told Rebecca the whole story, and showed her the scar. Rebecca was in tears. She didn’t know what to say or do. She called her husband Bob home from work. Rebecca was terrified that George would come there. When Bob came home and heard the whole story he was enraged. He supported Sasha much the same way that Frank did. Rebecca was torn. She was angry and terrified but still torn. She loved Sasha very much and loved George as well.

Sasha’s next stop was going to be a difficult one. She knew that she had to face the very real fact that he could b right down the street at his parent’s house. That was where she went.

She parked her car down the block, and checked her gun before she got out of the car. Her gun was loaded and holstered to her belt under her leather jacket. She sat there for a moment trying to calm herself and pep talk herself into what was about to happen. Just as she reached for the door handle her phone rang. It was the police detective that was on her case. He was just calling to see how she was doing, and to see if she had 
heard any news.

 Detective Brand had known Sasha for many years and knew that she would not sit idly by and wait for something to happen.  He already knew without any substantiated proof that she was actively pursuing George and that she would not stop until he was found. What he didn’t know was that she hoped and prayed that he would give her justified reason to shoot to kill. They had a short conversation with Sasha telling Brand that she didn’t know anything new and she promised that she wouldn’t do anything stupid or that she might regret in the future. She had no intentions of regretting anything that she was about to do or what she hoped would happen. With that she got out of the car and made her way to George’s parent’s home.

She walked up on to the front porch and knocked on the door. She could hear the sound of the dogs barking and out of the corner of her eye she saw someone peeking at her through the blinds in the living room. Just as Sasha was about to turn around and walk away the front door opened, and there stood the angry mean little woman that was George’s mother, Jan. Sasha asked if she had seen George. Jan was a bit hesitant. Sasha could tell she was unsure what her intentions were. So Sasha let out with how sorry she was for leaving him and how much she loved him and missed him. By the time Sasha was done she had Jan convinced that she truly loved George and wanted him back. That is when Jan told her that he had been there but he was out and would return later that night. Sasha decided that she would be waiting for him when he returned. Sasha pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a not for George. “Sorry I missed you. I hope that we can meet up again really soon.” She left the note with Jan and left.

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